Dr. Shawna Pandya testing the handheld 3D bioprinter during reduced-gravity flight.

Dr. Ori Rotstein, VP Research and Innovation at Unity Health Toronto, sharing with attendees how Unity Health Toronto will enable access to the hospital and its clinicians for the development of new microfluidic technologies (Photo: Michael Dryden).

CRAFT2.0 launch unveils new strategy to foster industry partnerships.

On June 20, 2024, Unity Health Toronto hosted a landmark event to mark the launch of the next phase of the Center for Research and Applications in Fluidic Technologies (CRAFT), referred to as CRAFT2.0. The launch drew over 60 attendees, including representatives from 14 companies with vested interests in microfluidic technologies. The day was a resounding success, showcasing CRAFT’s programs, state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research.

Dr. Tim Rutledge, Unity’s President and CEO, kicked off the event with opening remarks emphasizing Unity’s dedication to enhancing patient care through innovation and strategic partnerships, such as those enabled through CRAFT. In December 2023, Unity joined CRAFT as an anchor partner, along with the University of Toronto (U of T) and National Research Council of Canada (NRC), to help accelerate the development and translation of microfluidic-enabled medical technologies.

CRAFT co-Directors Prof. Axel Guenther (left), Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at U of T and Dr. Teodor Veres (right), a Director of R&D at the NRC’s Medical Devices Research Centre (Photo: Michael Dryden).

The launch event’s highlight was a presentation by CRAFT co-Directors Drs. Axel Guenther and Teodor Veres who introduced CRAFT2.0’s Industry Engagement Platform. The overall aim of the Platform is to foster long-term partnerships between CRAFT and industry towards establishing a vibrant domestic ecosystem for microfluidic device manufacturing and accelerating the commercialization of microfluidic-enabled products and services. The Platform’s strategies include the creation of an Industry Advisory Board, regular industry-facing networking events, a quarterly newsletter to promote CRAFT’s research and events, and more.

Adding to the day’s excitement, Dr. Claudia dos Santos, CRAFT’s newest co-Director and a Scientist and Critical Care Physician at Unity, captivated the audience with her groundbreaking work on a novel microfluidic device to improve sepsis management at the bedside. Her story exemplifies the transformative potential of academic, government, and industry collaboration to develop novel technologies to address urgent and unmet clinical challenges.

Dr. Claudia dos Santos, co-Director of CRAFT and Scientist and Critical Care Physician at Unity Health Toronto (Photo: Michael Dryden).

Participants were also treated to insightful tours of CRAFT’s research facilities at U of T and St. Michael’s Hospital, which is part of Unity’s hospital network. The tours included the Device Foundry and Tissue Foundry for microfluidic device fabrication and preclinical validation, as well as the Translational Research Unit in the hospital’s intensive care unit.

Those interested in learning more about CRAFT, its facilities and capabilities should attend CRAFT’s upcoming events such as its Open House on August 29 and the CRAFT Research Symposium on October 12 at the NRC campus in Boucherville, Quebec.